Sunday, May 24, 2020
Fashion is about Identity - 701 Words
Fashion is an idea that enables individuals to make clear statements about one selves and their identities, with the use of clothes, accessories and/or other physical items, enabling the individual to visually communicate who they are, who they would like to be, what kind of social group they belong to. Hence fashion plays a vital by allowing people to construct, sculpt and express their identities, especially in larger metropolitan cities where they â€Å"mingle with crowds of strangers and have only fleeting moments to impress them†(Bennett, 2005, p. 96)Thus, fashion is about identity, about the self and as described by Roche (Roche, 2000, p. 193) â€Å"the most talkative of social facts†. Many other immediate assumptions can be drawn up about an individual through mere observation of dress – which part of the world they may be from, what kind of job they may possess or what their economic position might be. This is mostly because even though designers create fashion it is mostly influenced or rather culturally constructed. Culture is the common social meanings and representations, it is an individuals Values, beliefs, norms so basically how one make sense of the world or lives their life. Fashion also helps sculpt the male and female image, thus determining what is or is not socially acceptable â€Å"Fashion and clothing are instrumental in the process of socialization into sexual and gender roles†(Barnard, 1996, p. 111). Culture and gender are two significantly emphasizedShow MoreRelatedHow Fashion Can Make Expressive Visual Statements About Their Identities2243 Words  | 9 PagesBennett (2005, p. ) argues that â€Å"Fashion provides one of the mo st ready means through which individuals can make expressive visual statements about their identities†. It is said that clothes play a big role in the society: it can either identify or hide a person and in term of revealing identity garments can show one’s tastes, politic position, status in the society, ‘power and success’, educational and cultural background and sexual preferences (Bennett, 2005). Fashion not only helps to express butRead MoreThe Work Of Andy Bennett1398 Words  | 6 Pagesto analysis fashion in relation to theories of identity and how they in form our understanding of fashion. Fashion can be defined as a constant changing trend. Fashion has a deeper influence in people’s lives. Now days fashion show parts of individual’s identities, which shows who they are as people. 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For example, if an individual is lethargic, one may be seen in sweatpants; if one is feeling powerful, the individual may be seen in a suit. The phrase â€Å"fashion choice†does not just includeRead MoreWhen People Talk About The Word â€Å"Fashion,†It Automobility1676 Words  | 7 PagesWhen people talk about the word â€Å"fashion,†it automobility provides a sense of popular styles of clothing, accessories, and makeup. Fashion influences not only on people’s behaviors, but also influences the society as a whole, such as socially and economically. In Adorned in Dreams, the author Elizabeth Wilson, introduces that fashion is a form of art, and people can use fashion to express their ideas, beliefs, and desires. Wilson also introduces the history of fa shions in order to prove that peopleRead MoreCoordinate Brick And Mortar And Online Platforms1722 Words  | 7 Pagesand online platforms. This is of high importance because of the rise in online shopping. According to Nick Hodson and Marco Kesteloo, two members of PwC’s Strategy group, three fourths of retail sales growth has occurred through online channels. About 15% of retailers’ total sales are occurring online. This steady online growth is giving back new life to the physical stores of some retailers (Hodson). For example, a shopper on ASOS finds a blouse that she likes online but she is not sure of herRead MoreFashion And Fashion1557 Words  | 7 Pagesstand out from the common way that people were used to wear it. Fashion can be defined as a constantly changing trend, it is necessary to recognize that at the present moment fashion has a deeper influence on peoples life, is not only anymore something to cover our self, fashion nowadays show some part of peoples personality and tell to other people who they are. People can decide in which way want to be perceive, showing that fashion posses more than just frivolous reasons for its existence, is
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Los Angeles County Federation Of Labor Essay - 1702 Words
The start of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor is a regional labor organization in the state of Los Angeles that has evolved representation of the interests of workers to include political involvement. Its formation was a function of political influence in labor and the relevance of merging labor movements to have better representations and high compulsion among leaders (Dean et al., 2009). The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, as the name suggests, is a composite labor body formed after the merging of all labor bodies in Los Angeles. The start of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Los Angeles County Federation of Labor is a federation of Los Angeles labor organization in 1957(Dean et al., 2009). Its formation was a direct response to trends in merging of organizations representing the interests of workers all over the US. The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor was an improvement of the earlier Los Angeles Council of Labor and the formation enabled involvement in regional and national politics after the emergence of politics as an important influence of labor movements(Dean et al., 2009). Initially, in the late 19th century, labor organizations were not as organized as they are today. In Los Angeles, there was a federation of labor parties that was officially organized by five different unions. The different unionsShow MoreRelatedEconomic Effects of Illegal Immigration in Los Angeles, California3434 Words  | 14 PagesILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Purpose of Study Estimates state that over 1.2 million people immigrate to the United States each year, thereby thrusting the issue of illegal immigration to the forefront of today news headlines. From an economic standpoint, the effort to absorb illegal immigrants often negatively impacts cities as well as the entire country. This paper addresses the negative economic outcome of illegal immigration in the city of Los Angeles, California throughRead MoreEssay on Immigration Reform750 Words  | 3 Pagesimmigrants use more welfare and earn lower incomes than natives, which results in immigrants paying less taxes. The Urban Institute is a non-profit organization that investigates the social and economic problems of this country. Statistics from a Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) newsletter shows, . . . the share of immigrant households below the poverty line (29 percent) is much higher than the share of native households that are poor (14 percent)--more than twice as high. Due toRead MoreEssay about Immigration Reform722 Words  | 3 Pagesimmigrants use more welfare and earn lower incomes than natives, which results in immigrants paying less taxes. The Urban Institute is a non-profit organization that investigates the social and economic problems of this country. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects of Inflation Free Essays
Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices which results in a decline in the purchasing power of money. Inflation is measured through the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which measures proportional changes in prices in a representative â€Å"basket†of g’n’s, weighted according to their importance in a typical Australian households budget. The RBA aims to keep inflation at an annual rate of 2-3%, and in order to do this a number of policies are available for the Australian government. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Inflation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Keeping Inflation under control is a primary concern for the Australian Government as it affects so many different parts of the Economy, including Economic growth, standard of living and unemployment. There are three types of inflation, depending on their causes. Firstly, demand pull inflation occurs when there is an excessive aggregate demand at or near full employment. If aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, prices of g’n’s rise as a rationing mechanism. This form of inflation is usually associated with periods of high economic activity. Secondly is cost-push inflation. If business costs such as the cost of wages or materials rise, businesses may aim to maintain profit levels by passing these costs onto consumers. This will result in higher prices and therefore inflation. The final type of inflation is imported inflation. Imported inflation occurs when the price of imports rises, and either adds to business costs (resulting in cost-push inflation) or feeds into the CPI as the price of final goods. Furthermore, a depreciation in the Au$ will raise import prices, also adding to imported inflation. There are a number of factors which may cause inflation in the Australian economy. A major cause of demand-pull inflation is excessive growth in aggregate demand. If aggregate demand increases from AD to AD1, aggregate supply which is the equivalent of real GDP will rise to GDP2 and the price level will rise from P to P2. This results in the inflationary gap of cd. This increase in aggregate demand may be the result of a number of factors, including increases in consumption expenditure, investment spending, net government expenditure, the money supply, or export incomes. Another major cause of inflation, this time cost-push inflation, is a decrease in aggregate supply. If aggregate supply decreases from AS to AS1, real GDP will decrease to GDP2 and the price level will rise to P1. This results in both a contraction in real GDP and a rise in inflation. The main causes of this decrease in aggregate supply is excessive wage growth not accompanied by productivity increase, a rise in the cost of raw materials, and other inputs, or a rise in government taxes or other charges that raise costs for firms. Cost-push inflation may also be the result of imported inflation it there is a rise in world prices of imported goods used in the production process (such as raw materials and intermediate goods) firms are likely to pass these costs onto consumers, resulting in inflation on the other hand if there is a rise in world prices of consumer goods, increased import prices will feed directly into the CPI, also resulting in inflation. Furthermore a depreciation in the Au$ in foreign exchange markets will result in a rise in the prices of imported raw materials, intermediate goods, and consumer goods, again contributing to Australia’s inflation. This is demonstrated in the stimulus when the RBA credits the decrease in inflation to the fading impact of 2000s exchange rate depreciation. A less common cause of inflation is the existence of monopolies or oligopolies. If a monopoly or oligopoly exists in an industry, the lack of competition allows producers to push up prices. This again results in inflation. The final cause of inflation in Australia is inflationary expectations. Inflationary expectations refer to the behaviour of individuals and businesses who seek to compensate for the current inflation, as well as expected future price rises. This may be the result of either firms pushing up prices, or wage earners seeking higher nominal wages. Also, if consumers expect future prices to rise, they rather buy g’n’s now, which leads to increases in spending. This results in demand-pull inflation. Inflation can impact the economy in 3 ways. 1)By encouraging investment in speculative and unproductive activities and discouraging investment in ventures considered productive. Inflation encourages investment in real assets such as gold and real estate because they are considered ‘good shelters’ for inflation. This is because the scarcity of them often outpaces or at least keeps pace with the rate of inflation. If inflation occurs, people will seek to own such assets, shifting resources to these speculative and unproductive assets. Similarly this discourages investment in other assets. This is because entrepreneurs will not think it is financially viable to invest and pursue a project that will only result in less profit, due to the higher costs of inflation. Similarly inflation increases the cost of production thus also discouraging entrepreneurs. For example, if inflation is high, people will invest in gold and real estate. Otherwise known as the opportunity cost, because people will allocate their resources into such ventures (gold and real estate) they must then forego investing into other ventures that are considered productive such as a new business, that may be producing capital goods or normal goods and services. Also by discouraging entrepreneurs is the rise in the costs of production that occur due to inflation, for example the raw materials. Similarly interest rates will rise, making it more expensive to borrow funds for investment purposes, making investment projects less profitable. Either way, inflation can cause a loss in production of capital goods, leading to lower living standards in the future, or a loss in the production of normal goods and services, leading to lowering current living conditions, as current needs and wants go unsatisfied. Since returns from productive capital take longer to materialise, it means that entrepreneurs are also faced with a lesser return. This means that if the rate of inflation is greater than the return offered by the investment, then the project will not be considered economically viable, nor worthwhile. Similarly the risk of loss from any investment project will grow with inflation. Many small businesses take a couple of years before they start to make a profit, so if inflation is high, and is was not taken into account when the business was first planned, then the cost of production may rise, and the resulting price for the commodity will be too high for consumers. ) If inflation is present and is greater than that overseas, it reduces the overseas competitiveness of the Australian economy. This is because inflation is not only associated with a rise in prices, but also an increase to the costs of production. Therefore making overseas exports cheaper to the domestic market. Similarly the overseas firms do not have to put up with the rises in the costs of production. This provides a leakage in the circular flow (p urchase of exports) and thus dampening demand in the domestic market, which if severe enough could lead to a recession, bringing with it many economic problems. An example of how inflation can lead to a recession, would be the 1970s, when high inflation averaged at 10. 4%. Which due to the high oil prices and strong domestic demand led to high inflation in the 1980s (8. 1%). This period of high inflation led to a dampening in spending and a recession in the 1990s (1990-1992) causing many problems such as unemployment. 3) It also creates many winners and losers in the economy. Those that benefit are the owners of real assets (real assets and gold), because their assets are worth more. As well as those belonging to well-organized groups who can demand wage increases (eg, strong trade unions. ) This can lead to rapidly rising wages, increasing the costs of production, and also discouraging investment in productive capital as mentioned above. In addition to this inflation can benefit people who have already borrowed funds because the cost of repayment, represent less as inflation rises. This is because inflation is defined by a loss in the real value of money, therefore the repayment will diminish over time. Conversely inflation disadvantages those on fixed incomes because they lose the real value of income as their money represents less purchasing power. Similarly for the same reasons it disadvantages those that keep their money in liquid form (ie, bank deposits). Also those that lend money receive less back in terms of repayment, due to the loss in value (eg, A mortgage repayment in 1960 was worth more than in 1980, where high inflation had occurred). Also since it reduces international competitiveness, inflation can disadvantage exporters who find themselves with less business opportunities. This can effect the economy, as overseas markets will not purchase Australian goods and services. Therefore the economy will not receive the injection into the circular flow that it would usually, without inflation. Without the strong domestic support that is present in Australia’s economy, the economy could have the effect of dampening economic activity, and aggregate demand. When inflation occurs in the Australian economy it usually had a number of causes. The main causes are excess aggregate demand, cost-push inflation, inflationary expectations and imported inflation. inflation disadvantages many groups in the economy, who in turn benefit other groups. This is because inflation can influence the allocation of resources in regards to encouraging and discouraging investment, the overseas competitiveness of the Australian market, as well as effecting individuals and firms, who often benefit at the expense of others. How to cite Effects of Inflation, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
General Law of Contract Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the General Law of Contract. Answer: Introduction Contract lawis an important field for any and every business, irrespective of its scale and the industry in which the business operates. In order for the businesses to conduct their business efficiently, it becomes crucial that the contractlaw is properly adhered, as nearly every aspect of business requires a contract to be formed[1]. Electronic Transaction Act, 1999[2], short for ETA is a crucial piece of legislation where the different aspects of contractlaw merge and through which, different regulations for the digital marketing are presented. In the following parts, a discussion has been carried in which thegeneral law of contract has been discussed. Apart from this, the different aspects of ETA, which can be applicable on the business of Thelonious have been discussed and have been applied, so as to conclusively provide an advice for the client. General Law of Contract A contract denotes that a promise has been made between two or more parties, in which one side pays the consideration and the other side undertakes the condition for which the promise has been made.[3] A contract can be created by putting down the terms on a paper and getting them signed from both the contracting parties, which would result in a written contract; or simply by exchanging the terms in an oral manner, making a verbal contract. For the formation of contract, there is a need to have the elements of offer, acceptance, clarity, consideration, intention and capacity. In case even one of these elements is not present, a contract cannot be formed[4]. The first step towards creating a contract is the offer. One party has to offer some terms on the basis of which the promise is made, to the other party[5]. It is important to differentiate between an invitation to treat and an offer. The former denotes the aim of the parties to start with the negotiations for the contract and the latter shows the aim of the parties to be bound by the contract[6]. When the goods are displayed on the shop window, they are an invitation to treat as was stated in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots[7] and the offer is only made when the individual picks the goods and takes it to the cashier for billing. And so, on the basis of display, the shopkeeper is not obligated to sell the product. The adverts in the newspaper are also taken to be invitation to treat, as was famously held in Partridge v Crittenden[8]. However, when it comes to a unilateral offer made in the newspaper, as was held in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company[9], which can b e accepted through performance, it is deemed that an offer has been made instead of an invitation to treat. The next step which has to be taken for the creation of any contract is the acceptance. The acceptance has to be taken on the offer which was made and by the individual to whom the offer was made[10]. The acceptance has to be properly communication and a silence is not an acceptance and the famous example of this is Felthouse v Bindley[11]. It is important that while communicating the acceptance, the offer is accepted in the exact manner in which it was made, without modifying or altering it. When the communication has changed or altered term, it is considered as counter offer as was famously established in Hyde v. Wrench[12]. And this would mean that the original offer is expired. The date of acceptance, as per the general acceptance rules provides that the acceptance date is such date on which the offering party attains the communication of acceptance sent by the accepting party. However, a key exception to this rule is the postal rules of acceptance. As per postal rules, the acceptance date is the date of posting the acceptance letter and the receiving date of this letter is irrelevant. The rationale behind this is considering the postal office as the agent of the offering party[13]. A leading case in which the validity of the postal rules of acceptance was upheld was the case of Adams v. Lindsell[14], whereby the court stated that the contract was enforceable. Though, when a third party responds to such communication and send the acceptance, the date of receipt is the date of acceptance instead of the sending date, as per the case of Leach Nominees Pty Ltd v Walter Wright Pty Ltd[15]. Consideration is one more key element in contract formation, without which, the contract is declared as invalid. A consideration is not required to be adequate and just has to be sufficient. And it is also important that consideration moves from the promisee[16]. The amount of consideration is mutually decided between the parties. And if the consideration does not have economic value, it makes the consideration invalid, as was held in White v Bluett[17]. Another requirement for forming the contract is for the parties to have an intention of entering into lawful relation[18]. The parties also need to have the contractual capacity, in terms of being of legal age and sound mind. Lastly, the terms on which the contract is based has to be very clear for a valid contract to be formed[19]. Electronic Transaction Act A key piece of legislation which is applicable on the digital contracts is the ETA. The electronic contracts are contracts formed through electronic means. Under these, the offer and acceptance are made through emails. Each jurisdiction in the nation has its own version of ETA, which is identical to the ETA of commonwealth[20]. Section 14 relates to the date of sending the offer and acceptance, which is aligned with the postal rules of acceptance. The date on which the communication is sent from the device of the sender is accordingly deemed as the date of offer or acceptance[21]. Section 15 of ETA provides that the communication becomes binding on the creator of the electronic communication in such situation where the authority is obtained from the creator or was sent by the creator of such communication[22]. Section 10 imposes an obligation of signature[23]. This section provides that in such cases where signature is a requirement, the condition would be deemed as been met when the reliable method has been selected for such communication[24]. For instance, the automatic insertion of email headers, in Mehta V J Pereira Fernandes S.A [25] was taken to be an unreliable method for the signing of a document[26]. The validity to the electronic contracts is provided through section 19 of this act[27]. Analysis and Application There are a number of nuances that Thelonious would have to keep in mind for forming the contracts online, owing to his shift towards a digital platform. Particularly when he has to take up the online sales and set the website up, certain key elements of the contract law have to be kept in mind, along with the applicability of the ETA. As is the case with advertisements in the newspapers, the adverts on the internet are deemed as invitation to treat. This can be inferred from the examples of Kodak and Amazon UK, where the prices were wrongly advertised and the court in both the cases upheld the adverts as invitation to treat. The intention is also considered for creating the contracts through online mode. The Supreme Court in the case of Stellard Pty Ltd Anor v North Queensland Fuel Pty Ltd[28] held that the term had been subjected to the contract; however the offer and acceptance consisted of different rounds of telephonic conversation and emails. And this conduct depicted the intention of the parties to form a contract; thus leading to a valid contract being formed in this case. In order to form an electronic contract, there is a need for a clear notice to be given to the customer and to provide that the contract law is applicable. Further, there is a need for a clear statement to show what would be deemed as an acceptance of the agreement. And lastly, the consumer has to be given a chance for reviewing the terms and condition of the agreement, before the contract becomes enforceable on them. There are two key forms of electronic contracts. And these include the click through and the browse wrap. The browse wrap agreements have the terms and conditions at different page, which are accessed through a hyperlink[29]. The click through agreements is the most common type of electronic contracts and in these an individual has to scroll down through the entire terms and conditions of a particular agreement and the acceptance to this agreement is provided by clicking on a tick box or a button which is placed at the bottom of the agreement in order for the same to be transformed into an enforceable contract. In a click through agreement, the agreements terms and conditions are accepted by simply clicking on the I Accept or a similar icon. This is an end user agreement which usually comes with the software covered in the plastic wrapping. The court held that by clicking on Accept icon, which was given in the end of the contractual terms, in of DeJohn v The TV Corporation Internatio nal, et al.[30], the plaintiff had entered into the contract. Thus, it is crucial for Thelonious to keep extra care when drawing up the website and opting for one of these two methods. Specific Advice The common law of contract and the ETA summarized above, along with the different aspects of the electronic contracts and the manner in which these two can be formed draw out a clear advice for Thelonious. Thelonious is required to pay a key attention to all these laws and make informed choices, and present the same to his customers, particularly when they have to form the electronic contract by merely clicking on a button. The customers have to be clearly informed that by clicking on such button, an electronic contract would be formed, which would bind them in a legal manner. The key thought here that the offer and acceptance has to be obtained and the minds have to be met of the consumer and of Thelonious, so that an intention to form an electronic contract is clearly presented. Thelonious would provide the products and the consumer would purchase at the agreed price and at the agreed conditions. Amongst the two methods available for creating online contracts, it is advised to Thel onious to opt for click wrap agreements as the consumer would not have to go to a different page to access the terms and can easily read these on the same page. Conclusion In the preceding parts, the different aspects of contract law, particularly related to the formation of contract were highlighted. The discussion was initially focused in the manner a basic contract is formed, and for which the different elements of contract are required. The discussion then moved on to the different sections of the ETA, which are commonly used in the electronic contract and which even provide the validity to such contracts. This was followed by elucidating the manner in which the electronic contracts are formed, i.e., the click wrap and the shrink wrap, and the need for the consumer to be aware of entering into the contract, by clicking on these. Lastly, an advice for Thelonious was drawn whereby he was advised to adopt the laws stated earlier and take special care while coming up with the manner in which the contracts with the customers are to be made, i.e., the adoption of click wrap method. Bibliography Andrews N, Contract Law (Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed, 2015) Davies PS, JC Smith's the Law of Contract (Oxford University Press, 2016) Elliott C, and Quinn F, Contract Law (Pearson Education Limited, 9th ed, 2013) Furmston M, and Tolhurst GJ, Contract Formation: Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2010) Gibson A, and Fraser D, Business Law (Pearson Higher Education AU, 2013) Latimer P, Australian Business Law 2012 (CCH Australia Limited, 31st ed, 2012) Marson J, and Ferris K, Business Law Concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed, 2016) McKendrick E, Contract Law (Pearson Education Limited, 11th ed, 2015) Poole J, Casebook on Contract Law (Oxford University Press, 2016) Stone R and Devenney J, Text, Cases and Materials on Contract Law (Routledge, 3rd ed, 2014) Adams v. Lindsell (1818) 106 ER 250 Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1893] 1 QB 256 DeJohn v. The .TV Corporation International, et al. 245 F.Supp. 2d 913 (C.D. 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